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From 0 to 120,000.

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

Today I made it to 120,000 followers! It's been nearly nine years since I made this Twitter account called @CarefreeYouth. I started it just to talk to fellow Chelsea fans and grew and grew. When I made this account, I just made it to find out the team news via the club's tweet and over time I started to talk to some great people in the game due to me just being curious. I never set out to be what that account is now. I only started asking and trying to find things out cause I was a Chelsea fan well before Roman took over the club in 2003. I went from loving being linked to x,y,z to getting bored of silly transfer rumors that would go nowhere. Out of frustration, I started to do my own asking around, in the hunt to try and find out if the things I read are true. I never did it to be that ITK (In the know) account people like to pin on people. I just wanted to find out for myself. I personally got sick of rumors, I wanted to share and give people some peace of mind if I got word that something didn't look likely or if I found something interesting out that people would like to know. I'm sure lots of fans are just like me and want to know 'how bad is an injury?', 'who trained with the first team' as examples of us always wanting to know more.

So seven years on I have made a website just to share my stuff and write a few blogs. People have been recommending me to try it in DM for a long while but I've always been afraid and nervous out of fear I'm trying to be something I'm not. At the end of the day, I'm just a normal fan here talking about the club he supports. Some nice people on Twitter have offered to give me money over the years but I've refused every penny up till last week. I've done a lot of years on here saying I've never made anything but that has changed. I recently added a donations part on my page so if people want to thank me they can send a donation to me and my account to say thanks. This won't be something I ask for but if people feel my work over the years has been worth a donation then I won't say no while I'm in the situation I'm in currently.

So what now? I'm currently looking at getting into a football-related job that I'm using my time to work on my writing on here, learn football analytics and just get out of my comfort zone a little. I'm great at overthinking but very bad at putting thoughts into action. If anyone has any suggestions on what they feel I should look into doing then I will happily take any advice as I know football is my clear passion in life but I know turning it from a hobby to a paid job is very hard as a good amount of people would like to also.

If someone reading this has a role in football and has the means to offer me any type of work experience type role then I'll happily accept. I have tried these last few months but due to covid nothing has worked out as of yet.

When I really think about it, seven years on Twitter it feels so much. I'd hate to know how many hours that has added up to on Twitter. If anyone has played Football Manager or not it gives you the time spent on the game and you think to yourself wow get a life. That's the feeling I've just got thinking about it. I enjoy it or I wouldn't be coming back on every day but all that time but nothing to show for it in terms of career or job, you start to question why? The answer to that is if I wasn't finding out and writing it on the Twitter account I'd be doing it anyway away from social media and I know a good few love the #LoanArmy news and if I share something I've been told and appreciate the person I am. I have made mistakes and wrote things I later regret but over the years I'm sure I've said a good few things people have really liked. You have seen the type of person I am who have followed this journey and I appreciate all the support you've given me as it means a lot.

If anyone that's said they want to donate but I've rejected in the past or want to now then here is a link.

From 0 to 120,000 followers in seven years. Not bad going. One last time I want to say thank you to everyone that's been around for the journey. #CFC 💙👊 (I have no idea when I started signing off my stuff with the blue heart and punch emoji but I like it and it's now my thing)

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