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Mental Health

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

This last year has been tough on a lot of us. So many uncertainties and fear in the world. Mental health is not talked about enough or hidden away, especially with men. I want to just say it’s okay, not to be okay. If you have read the first few sentences and think I’m feeling okay, then this might be a time to reach out to someone just to make sure they are okay.

I’ve been in the shoes. I know how hard it is to get out of that rut. It’s so easy to think that no one cares and feeling like you're bothering someone over nothing if you tell them. A problem shared, is a problem halved. That person you tell could be the one that gives you the boost you need. Out of not wanting to upset, worry or disappoint loved ones, a lot of us keep it in and smile to pretend all is okay. Trust me, people in your life care. Building that courage to tell someone you aren’t okay, and letting that out of your system can be a huge kick start to getting better.

From experience, the bad moment is like a dark cloud. It might feel like you won’t ever get out of it and it’ll continue to rain. When you start working on yourself and opening up you’ll see the clouds clear and the sun shows itself over time.

My meaning of this blog is hoping that one person will read this and it really helps them to talk to someone about how they are feeling or start to make changes to help them get out of this bad moment in their life.

I’ve had a good amount of chats with people not feeling good. What you get with me is someone that won’t judge and understand. If you feel the need to reach out then DM me on Twitter @ScottCarefree and I’ll get back to you when I have time.

Don’t worry about what might happen in the future, enjoy today!

Stay strong, take every day as it comes.

Keep your head up, you’ve got this 💙👊🏼 #MentalHealthAwareness

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