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Updated: Mar 9, 2021

Hello everyone that reads this! 😀✌

First of all, thank you for reading it and secondly don't be too harsh. This is all very new to me and just me trying to put myself into new things than staying in one box with my nerves.

My name is Scott as some of you are aware. I have been meaning to try branching out into new things in 2021 and leave my anxiety and nerves in the past. The @ Carefree Youth obviously doesn't fit me anymore and I wouldn't now class myself young as (I made this account name nine years ago). I picked that name cause 'Carefree wherever you may be' is a Chelsea song and making the account while watching the U18s in FA Youth cup match. As I'm sure you are aware finding a @ someone hasn't used isn't very easy. Now I've explained the random account name and the journey of the account let's move on. A few images I've used as a profile account.

I'm sure a lot have you reading will know the account, but won't know the man behind it. This is for a number of reasons one being the cutthroat nasty people you can encounter on social media and the fact I like to just go to games unknown and just be me having that thing I can pick up and get into when I'm sick of the life of Scott.

I'll be blogging about my life, how things are going for me and Chelsea. How often and what will be depending how much I enjoy and if I have anything worth writing about. I might just throw in some #LoanArmy reports and general Chelsea stuff that I can't fit into a tweet. I'm looking to get better at my writing with my poor punctuation and cut out my blabbering on. I feel this is a great way to write and learn from silly punctuation mistakes I consistently make (I'm sure you'll see lots, to begin with) and give people who are interested in my life that bit more as replying to all my mentions and DM on my accounts is hard to do at the time.

Me just writing this is something new to me. I'm so use to having a number of characters I'm allowed to use and stick to that during my twitter days. Most of you'll know most of what I write will be Chelsea related but I'm looking at learning and possibilities in football currently so it'll be a way of me keeping people who are interested up to date on how that's going.

Sending positive vibes to you all, keep your head up! Find me on Twitter @CarefreeYouth or my new personal one with DM open @ScottCarefree if you ever need someone to talk to or send some feedback. I'm not sure how this journey will go with the writing my life or Chelsea but if interested then stick around and see what happens

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